Friday, June 19, 2009

Saxby Leads the Stupid Charge in GA

When you want stupid, here's the go to guy:

CHAMBLISS: Well, that election was, what, almost 60 years ago now. The world has changed dramatically since then. And I dare say that you go up to any of those people in Teheran who are protesting in the streets and say, Hey, what about the United States meddling in your election in the `50s, they would shake their heads, like, What in the world are you talking about?

Comment later from Reza Aslan (on Hardball):
ASLAN: You know, he mentioned the CIA coup of 1953, which most Americans don`t know anything about, but which, I got to tell you, is like the core event, the ur-event of the 20th century as far as Iranians are concerned. It`s their revolutionary war, civil war all wrapped up into a single thing. And to hear a president even mention it, let alone acknowledge it in that way, had a huge effect in the cafes in Iran.
(My emphasis)

Meddling hardly describes the overthrow of the elected officials and replacement by the Shah who pleased the American neo-cons of the day. Chambliss is the poster boy for getting the GOP out of the south and attempting to undo the damage.

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