Thursday, November 27, 2008

Best Part of Thanksgiving? Leftovers!!

As I head for a turkey sated slumber this evening, I am pleased to know that today's fabulous meal with be with me for several days yet. Lots of turkey (thanks to Whole Foods and Diestel) and dressing left for lunches, snacks and late night raids on the fridge. Some pics to document to occasion:

Authentic Southern cornbread dressing, complete with toasted pecans, starts with freshly made corn bread, naturally.

This year we has a Toulouse 2004 Anderson Valley pinot noir with our dinner, and it was a fabulous wine. We bought it last year at the winery near Philo, and managed to save it for this year's dinner.

Hope you had as much fun as we did and your leftovers will remind you of a wonderful time spent with family and friends.

You know, I think I'll just go have another piece of pumpkin pie!! With some tasty Tailor Maid decaf expresso coffee.

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