Sunday, December 07, 2008

Musical Past Re-enters My Life!!

I spent most of my Jr and Sr high school days at Paris American High School, just outside Paris in a little town called Garches. We were all military kids, surrounded by French culture which made for some interesting times. However, missing was the rock and roll scene taking place back in the States, so some of us got involved in playing music. Early on I remember seeing couple guys playing guitar at an assembly and later at a school dance. Never really learned their names, but it really pushed me to get my own guitar and learn some songs. Ultimately, got good enough to start a band, named the Jazztones for some reason, and we played at the Teen center on Friday and Saturday nights. Also got to play at the the Officer's club in West Berlin once ('nother story).

Well, speed forward until this week. Thanks to another PAHS alum, Joan Imus and her web page for us ex-Pirates (school mascot), I reconnected with one of those early guitar players. Turns out his name is Jerry Corbitt and if that name sounds familiar, it's because he was one of the original "Youngbloods" of "Get Together" and others, fame. He now lives in Texas after leaving Marin county about 8 years ago. He has a new CD out, really good, and it has an updated version of his song "Grizzly Bear" which you might remember as one of the Youngbloods' big hits.
Small world these days, thanks to all these Tubes and Internets.

Check out his music:

I think I have a photo of him playing at PAHS; I'll look for it and post it. I'm sure he will appreciate folks seeing him in his teenage days! LOL!

Stay tuned

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